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Street Art by JR

JR adalah seniman Perancis yang pameran karyanya dalam apa yang disebutnya sebagai "galeri seni terbesar di dunia", pemandangan perkotaan.

Para seniman sangat pribadi tunggangan foto hitam-putih yang sangat besar, sering tanpa izin resmi, pada bangunan di beberapa kota terbesar di dunia.

Menang JR Teknologi, Entertainment, Design (TED) hadiah ($ 100.000) untuk pameran nya "Wanita Heroes" yang telah ditampilkan pada perumahan kumuh di Paris, jembatan di Afrika dan dinding favelas di Brazil.

Here, a favela in Rio de Janeiro is transformed by dozens of images.

His "Face to Face" project in 2007 saw dozens of images of Israelis and Palestinians plastered onto both sides of the Israeli West Bank barrier, and at various other nearby locations.

The project has been described as "the largest unauthorised art exhibition in the world".

In this Kenyan slum, his photographs were printed on waterproof vinyl and doubled up as makeshift roofs.

The elderly residents of Shanghai were the subject of JR's latest project, "The Wrinkles of the City".

The artist links the lines and wrinkles on the residents' faces with the transformation of their city.
